Guatemala Co-Atitlan Natural

spot Kansas City

Crop: 2022 - 2023

Producers: Cooperative Co-Atitlan members and associates

Varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai

Grade: Shade grown, strictly hard bean (SHB) - 1500 meters

Preparation: Mature red cherries sun-dried for 45 days on black nylon

Certifications: None. Purchased through direct trade.

Packaging: 150lb jute sacks in EcoTact. European preparation

What we taste: A fruity, juicy explosion! We taste pineapple, plum, watermelon candy, and green apple.

About the producers

Santiago Atitlan, home of the Mayan Tz’utujiles, is also home to the Cooperativa Atitlan, El Paraiso Tzutujil R.L.. Kapeh Utz is the first importer to work in a direct trade format with CoAtitlan. We began a relationship with the cooperative in 2015 at the prompting of a friend and co-op member whom we have known since our first days of working in Guatemala. Founded that same year, the Co-op currently has 24 associates, 5 of which are women. Additionally, nearly 900 producer associates from the surrounding communities bring their coffee to be processed at CoAtitlan! This impressive group of producers are involved in agritourism, tend to a coffee nursery, work with experimental coffee varietals, and produce vegetables for income generation outside of the coffee harvest.