Ethiopia Yirgacheffe G2 Washed Oromia FTO

spot Kansas City

Crop: 2023

Producers: Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative

Varieties: Indigenous heirloom

Altitude: 1550 - 2200 meters

Preparation: Fully washed and dried on raised beds

Packaging: 132lb jute sacks in GrainPro

Certifications: Fair Trade Organic. Imported by a Kapeh Utz import partner.

What we taste: Lemon, blueberry, cranberry, jasmine, black tea

About the coffee

All coffee can be traced back to Ethiopia, where, centuries ago, the Oromo people were the first to prepare and drink it as a part of both rituals and daily life. Today, the regional state of Oromia is responsible for 65% of Ethiopia’s coffee production. This coffee comes from the Oromia Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative, which can be best described as a union that represents 407 smaller co-ops and over 557,000 coffee farming households across Oromia. Coffee cooperatives are very important in Ethiopia because they act as a bargaining tool that allows small producers to receive better prices and access resources, training, and credit. This coffee was imported by a Kapeh Utz import partner.