Ethiopia Guji G3 Natural Derikocha

spot Kansas City

Crop: 2023

Producers: Small farmers located in the Deri Kidame community

Varieties: Indigenous landraces and cultivars

Altitude: 1900 – 2300 meters

Preparation: Full natural and sun-dried on raised beds

Packaging: 132lb jute sacks in GrainPro

Certifications: None. Imported by a Kapeh Utz import partner.

What we taste: A clean, fruity cup with flavors of blueberry jam, caramel, cherries, and a slight earthiness.

About the coffee

This coffee is produced by small farmers in the Deri Kidame community. The location of their farms and the travel required to reach trading centers has historically limited market access for many of these producers. The price received by farmers in Guji has also tended to be significantly lower than in neighboring regions. After harvest, the ripe coffee cherries are transported to a wash station managed by Sisay Bekele in the nearby community of Benti Nenka. The wash station’s 130 employees sort the cherries by hand and immediately place them on raised beds to dry for 2-3 weeks. Since these raised beds allow for good air circulation, temperature control, and regular movement, they make for a smooth drying process.