Colombia Fair Trade Organic Cauca

spot Kansas City

Crop: 2023

Producers: Asociación de Caficultores Ecológicos del Cauca (ACEC)

Varieties: Caturra, Typica, Castillo, Colombia

Altitude: 900 – 1650 meters

Preparation: Fully washed and dried in the sun

Packaging: 154 lb in jute bags

Certifications: Fair Trade Organic. Imported by a Kapeh Utz import partner.

What we taste: Dark chocolate fudge, candied almond, hibiscus flower, caramel

About the coffee

Nestled between Nariño, Huila, and Tolima, Cauca is a department in Southwestern Colombia. Coffee generates 65,000 direct jobs in the region and is the primary source of income for over 90,000 families. This coffee is sourced from ACEC, a cooperative made up of 262 small coffee producers living and farming in the municipalities of Caldono, Cajibio, Piendamó, Morales, Popayán, El Tambo and Timbio. These producers have an average farm size of 1.5 hectares. In addition to giving coffee farmers a stronger voice and presence in the industry, ACEC also provides trainings focused on improving coffee quality and managing the environmental impact of coffee farming.